Rm6-Girl Scout Daisy Troop 76904
Contact: Ramsey Jeffcote rjeffcote@outlook.com 970-775-4578
Contact: Ramsey Jeffcote rjeffcote@outlook.com 970-775-4578
The weekly Journeys class resumes on Sunday, September 17 at 8:30 a.m. on Zoom. Here is the link you'll need to logon: Any questions may be directed to Rick Taylor at: […]
View through Livestream service on our website:Open the website, https://pccrusa.org on the Home page. The Livestream player is to the right, below the opening pictures. The player will automatically start when the […]
Contact: Robert Gunn gunnrj@gmail.com 612-839-9166
Contact: Christine Dempsey
Contact: Sue Yowell Event from 5:30-7:00 $100 janitorial fee per event, group will set up their own tables & chairs