Music Program

Our music program seeks to provide experiences that are worthwhile, meaningful, and spiritually gratifying for both the participants and the congregation as a whole. Our goal is to enhance the worship experience within the services.

The Chancel Choir

Our choir leads the congregational singing and helps set the tone for the services by providing a special anthem each week. The concept of “those who sing, pray twice” helps define our responsibility to direct the worship toward God’s presence among us. We welcome all who would like to join us in singing, whether year-round residents or partial residents. The Chancel Choir is directed by Rich Dixon.

Joyful and Chancel Bell Choirs

Our hand bell choirs add another dimension to our worship through music with special anthems on selected Sundays. We ring with five octaves of Schulmerich hand bells and four and a half octaves of Malmark choir chimes. Our ringers are not professional musicians – simply people who enjoy working together to ring to the Glory of God. All ages and musical backgrounds are represented, and we welcome new ringers always! Joyful Bells are comprised of both beginners and more experienced ringers, while Chancel Bells are more experienced ringers. Both bell choirs are directed by Patti Dolezal.

Rehearsal Schedule

  • Chancel Choir meets on Thursdays at 6:30 pm year round
  • Chancel Bells meets on Thursdays at 4:00 pm September – May
  • Joyful Bells meets on Wednesdays at 4:00 pm September – May

Church Organ

The organ of Presbyterian Community Church of the Rockies is a complex and versatile instrument dedicated to the praise and worship of God through Christ Jesus our Lord, and to the ministry of this church.

The organ’s vast resources include the original pipe organ built by Schantz Organ Company in 1982, containing 1,278 pipes in 21 ranks and 25 stops.   In 2009, the Veritas Organist Company and its president Graham Blyth designed and installed a renovation and augmentation of the original instrument, preserving and focusing on the core Schantz instrument.   A new 3-manual and pedal playing console with 255 memory levels and 55 new tonal ranks in 46 stops were added through state-of-the-art digital technology.   A new computerized control system was installed, and the pipe and digital resources were then merged and voiced seamlessly to provide a palette of 73 total stops.   Sensors on organ pipes monitor temperature changes and adjust digital voice pitches to match the pipe voices.

Complete choruses of the four organ tonal families — principals, flutes, strings, and reeds — exist in the organ’s four divisions.  The range of dynamics stretches from the organ’s softest voice, the Flauto Dolce, to the powerful fanfare trumpet, the Tuba Mirabilis.   These, and everything in between, allow the organ to whisper a prayer, welcome a king, accompany choirs of angelic voices, or lead congregational hymns.  Pitches extend upward from two 32-foot stops, playing pitches two octaves below the unison, to stops with tiny pipes and extremely high pitches 2 and 3 octaves above the unison.   Mixing pitches and various tonal colors allows the organist to orchestrate the instrument’s ensemble to the musical needs of the moment.  The entire project was managed and executed by Jerry Akers of J.W. Akers & Associates in consultation with Organist Larry Gillum, and this firm continues to provide ongoing maintenance.

Special Events

From time to time during the year, the church hosts concerts, joint choir performances with other Estes churches, and appearances by visiting musicians. These events focus on enhancing the spiritual life of the congregation and community. Check the church website and local papers for announcements concerning these programs.