Do You or a Friend Need Help?

You don’t need to be a member of the church to seek pastoral care. We strongly believe in being a church in and for the Community. After all, Community is more than simply a part of our name (Presbyterian Community Church of the Rockies)!

Pastoral care is available either by contacting the church or the pastor directly. To contact the pastor, call the church office on 970-586-4404. If it is after hours or you get the answering machine, press 1 when directed by the announcement. The pastor can also be contacted via the contact form below. The pastor is available for appointments and home/hospital visits as requested.

Our pastor is here to assist you with personal, life or spiritual concerns that you may have. Sometimes simply having someone listen as you share your story is extremely helpful as you discern the choices or questions before you.

Also, please contact the Sunshine Committee if you or someone you know is experiencing a few clouds in their life.  They would be happy to supply meals, rides, or just company to our PCCR family.  Call Tami Scace at 860-912-5345.