Contact Us: 970-586-4404
1700 Brodie Ave., Estes Park, CO 80517
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FH,K-PEO Founders Day Brunch

Contact: Sue Yowell   308-641-7634 Amy Fox   469-855-5851 Event: 9:30am-Noon, catered by the Big Horn Restaurant (9:30am) Sue said they will set up their own tables & chairs


The weekly Journeys class resumes on Sunday, September 17 at 8:30 a.m. on Zoom.  Here is the link you'll need to logon: Any questions may be directed to Rick Taylor at: No classes in August.


Sanctuary (Livestream is available)

View through Livestream service on our website:Open the website, on the Home page.  The Livestream player is to the right, below the opening pictures.  The player will automatically start when the service begins. For Sunday's bulletin, click on "View Bulletin" which appears directly below the livestream and video recordings box.



Contact: Pastor Chris Meet the last Monday monthly