
Contribute to the ChurchContribute to the Foundation

The links on this page provide a convenient way to submit pledges to the church and the foundation, as well as a means for making contributions by credit card to both. The pledge forms and the contribution information will be sent directly to the church’s financial secretary and will not be seen by anybody else.

Payments processed through the links on this page are completed by a secure 3rd party processor,  The church does not see or store credit card information for any payments completed through this form.

Pledges and contributions made to the church support the current year’s operating budget.  Pledges and contributions made to the Foundation support the building of a long-term endowment and capital needs of the church that are beyond the reach of the annual operating budget.

If you are making a contribution for a special offering, such as the Christmas Joy Offering, do this the sequence noted:

  1. First, click the Contribute to the Church button at the top left.
  2. Second, fill in the amount of your contribution and your credit card information.
  3. Next, click the Submit button. You will then get an acknowledgment on the screen.
  4. After you see the acknowledgment, find the instructions below the credit card form for designating where your contribution is to go, and click the underlined link. This brings up a note form. Fill it out and indicate where the donation is to go. This will send a confidential e-mail to the financial secretary, who will steer your contribution where you designate.

Please speak with the Pastor, the church’s financial secretary, and any member of the church’s governing body, the session, if you have any questions or suggestions. All input is most welcome.