Contribute to the Church
Use this page to make either a single contribution by credit card or to set up a monthly recurring credit card charge to support the church. You can specify any amount for the one-time contribution – just fill in the amount of your donation. If your one-time gift is for a special offering, such as the Christmas Joy Special Offering, first complete the credit card form and click the Submit button. Then use the link under “Designating Where Your Contribution Is To Go” to send instructions to the church. For a monthly recurring payment, please select an amount from the drop-down list. You can use the one-time gift option in combination with the monthly recurring contribution to tailor your total donation to meet your stewardship pledge and your individual needs. Your contribution in any amount is most appreciated. Please note that your monthly recurring donation will remain in effect until you change it. When you wish to make a change, use the link at the bottom of the page under “Changes.”
Contribute One-Time
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Designating Where Your Contribution Is To Go
Need to designate where your donation is to go for a special offering? After you complete the credit card information above and click the Submit button, Click Here to Send Instructions to the Church Financial Secretary, and fill out this form with instructions for your designation.
Contribute Monthly (Recurring)
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Need to Make a Change to a Recurring Contribution? Click Here to Send Instructions to the Church Financial Secretary, and fill out this form with instructions for your change.